Cutting-edge tools to take your coaching center to the next level
We're constantly innovating to bring you the latest technologies and solutions for coaching management.
Tutor Marketplace
Connect with qualified teachers and tutors for your center
- 5000+ verified tutors across 100+ subjects
- Background verification and qualification checks for all tutors
- Reviews and ratings from previous employers
- Direct hiring and contract management through our platform
Educational Content Repository
Access premium educational resources and save preparation time
- 10,000+ ready-to-use question banks across subjects
- Video lessons, presentations, and teaching aids
- Mock test generators with performance analytics
- Collaborative content creation with other educators
AI Student Matching
Connect the right students to your coaching center
- AI-powered assessment of learning styles and aptitudes
- Personalized recommendations based on student goals
- Automated skill gap analysis and course suggestions
- Higher conversion rates with better-matched students
Certification Programs
Offer recognized certifications to enhance your value proposition
- Create custom certificate templates with your branding
- Blockchain verification for certificate authenticity
- Integration with industry recognition bodies
- Digital badging system for student profiles
Coming Soon
We're working on even more exciting features to help your coaching center thrive.
Virtual Reality Classrooms
Immersive learning experiences with VR technology
Parent Engagement App
Dedicated mobile app for parent communication and updates
AI-Powered Tutoring
Personalized AI tutoring for students outside class hours
Join Our Beta Program
Get early access to our upcoming features and help shape the future of Brilliance AI.
- Be the first to try new features
- Provide feedback directly to our product team
- Influence the development roadmap
- Receive exclusive beta tester benefits
Ready to experience the future of coaching center management?
Upgrade your plan to access our cutting-edge features and take your coaching center to the next level.